Frequently Asked Questions
Why private speech therapy?
Private speech therapy is 1:1 focused time to provide direct instruction tailored to each individual child’s needs. Parent education and participation is always part of our plan. Private speech therapy is sometimes used in addition to school based services.
How do I know if my child needs speech therapy?
Take a look at this website for typical communication milestones;
If you think your child is not meeting milestones, schedule a free consultation.
Is speech therapy covered by health insurance?
Insurance plans can vary widely. Please check with your carrier for specific plan details. Check with me for a current list of insurance companies that I contract with. If I'm not in network with your insurance carrier, I can provide you with a Superbill.
What is a Superbill?
A Superbill is a detailed invoice from your speech therapist that includes billing codes. Some insurance companies will reimburse you for an out of pocket expense if you provide a Superbill.
Where are you located?
I see children in their home, community settings, or a clinic. Please schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs.